

145.310 MHz 

The Cullman ARC’s VHF repeater, N4TUN, operates with an input frequency of 144.71mHz, and output of 145.31 MHz.  This is a standard 600kHz negative offset. The repeater does not require normally a PL-tone, but a 100Hz tone may help distant stations break the squelch of the repeater. N4TUN was formerly known as the AK4B repeater prior to N4TUN being assigned as the club callsign, and is the same system.  N4TUN is an open repeater, meaning all are welcome to use it. The repeater also transmits a 100Hz tone, so if your radio has tone decode (CTCSS) or “tone squelch,” you can cut down on unwanted noise. The Cullman RACES net is held on this repeater Sunday nights at 8:30pm.

444.900 MHz – Now Yaesu System Fusion compatible for either Digital or Analog operation!

 The Cullman ARC’s UHF repeater, N4UAI, has a positive offset of 5MHz, making the input 449.900 MHz.  This is an open repeater. For Analog operation, please use a 100.0hz CTCSS tone on both transmit and receive.

 Repeater Site

 The CARC repeater site is located north of the city of Cullman, and owned by the City of Cullman. Antennas are located on top of an out-of-service water tower, approximately 180 feet high. The land elevation in the area is about 1050 feet, which helps greatly with our repeaters coverage radius.

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